Latest Expensiveness Rankings from
Figures in brackets are ranks. Data from
Type | 2008/09 |
2007/08 |
2006/07 |
2005/06 |
2004/05 | 2003/04 | 2002/03 | 2001/02 |
Staying away from main home | £16,932 (386th) | £21,604 (310th) | £21,984 (263rd) | £20,830 | £20,902 (joint 1st with 187 others) | £16,443 (424th) | £19,355 (338th) | £14,203 (425th) |
London costs | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 |
Office running costs | £16,131 (391st) | £16,981 (397th) | £16,377 (525th) | £14,462 | £19,224 (182nd) | £16,553 (541st) | £17,797 (412th) | £12,571 (442nd) |
Staffing costs | £84,779 (519th) | £83,049 (466th) | £81,880 (406th) | £80,972 | £68,397 (joint 435th with 1 other) | £66,032 (419th) | £63,709 (363rd) | £50,611 (joint 155th with 1 other) |
Communications Allowance |
£197 (594th) |
£331 (594th) |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Members' Travel | £4,896 (449th) 3 | £5,860 (410th) 2 |
£4,545 (487th) 1 |
£4,184 | £7,195 (joint 455th with 1 other) | £6,938 (445th) | £6,154 (479th) |
£3,570 (540th) |
Members' Staff Travel |
£176 (294th) |
£91 (382nd) |
£157 (joint 349th with 3 others) | £208 |
£340 (317th) |
£207 (365th) |
£119 (410th) |
£142 (joint 379th with 3 others) |
Members' Spouse Travel | £0 | £0 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Members' Family Travel | £0 | £0 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Centrally Purchased Stationery | £2,717 (413th) |
£590 (438th) |
£571 (493rd) |
£522 | £725 (joint 393rd with 1 other) | £1,134 (210th) | £820 (joint 424th with 1 other) |
£562 (521st) |
Stationery: Associated Postage Costs | £1,290 (joint 512th with 1 other) |
£1,929 (424th) |
£1,406 | £2,659 (310th) | £3,463 (209th) | N/A | N/A | |
Centrally Provided Computer Equipment | £1,345 (joint 129th with 3 others) |
£1,102 (237th) |
£0 | £1,971 (126th) |
£1,971 (119th) |
£1,971 (118th) |
£1,971 (113th) |
Other Costs | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 |
Total |
(565th) |
(526th) |
(476th) |
(370th) |
(470th) |
(399th) |
(439th) |
3 Regular journeys between home/constituency/Westminster: Mileage £2,962 (277th). Rail £573 (498th). Other: Mileage £567 (14th). Rail £250 (69th). Air £232 (24th). European £312 (121st).
2 Regular journeys between home/constituency/Westminster: Mileage £3,014 (294th). Rail £567 (483rd). Other: Mileage £214 (29th). Rail £343 (58th). Air £323 (18th). European £1,399 (30th).
1 Car £3,194 (300th). Rail £505 (473rd). Air £846 (121st).